Beyond Real Estate: Lesley Sheinberg’s Dedication to Service

Lesley Sheinberg, an avid volunteer featured in the Alpert JFS 2022-2023 Transformation Magazine, has marked a legacy at NAI/Merin Hunter Codman with her philanthropic deeds. Driven by a belief in the power of small acts of kindness and resolve in face of personal challenges, she’s committed to supporting families in need and inspiring the younger generation to continue community service.

From Fajitas to Floor Plans: A Recap of 951 Yamato’s Broker Luncheon

NAI MHC recently hosted a broker lunch at their managed property, 951 Yamato in Boca Raton. The brokers networked with the venue’s leasing agents and a representative from Brookwood, toured the building’s available suites, and enjoyed a catered fajita bar. The 146,000 SF modern, Class-A office complex holds an Energy Star Certification and offers deluxe amenities including a tenant conference room, on-site concierge services, and ample parking.